Written by Ali Taha Alnobani

Since the beginning of the Corona crisis, a phrase spread between
journalists and media makers that said: “After Corona, life will not the same
as before”.This phrase calls for many questions, as diseases and epidemics have
always appeared throughout history, and have gone into their way, then life has
returned to normal. Therefore, why this time is not intended for life to back
as it was before? Everything says that someone wants to change the world for
his favor.
Doesn't this unpleasant statement indicate that there are some who admire
seeing people while they are bound by chains and social distancing, no action
no effect, nervous and inactive, and that they want this situation to last in
order to pass everything they want under the cover of protection from the
epidemic and emergency provisions.
Doesn't that indicate that someone is considering international laws and
human rights treaties a burden on his plans and an obstacle to his greedy
Doesn't everything that we saw of corruption and injustice in this world
indicate that there is a group of people who have villainy and meanness what
qualifies them for a conspiracy with this level of degradation and lack of conscience?
It has been customary for many to underestimate the value of human rights
and their charters that have shaped international law, inferring their position
from the abundance of violations practiced and the sometimes double and negate
attitudes of human rights organizations that are apparent like the sun in the
middle of the day. It is necessary here to pay careful attention and
contemplation before falling into the trap that was set for us in order to give
up these references that implicate the world's elites by signing them and then
they felt strong remorse. Today they are luring us to give them up to make us
naked of strength, and naked from the reference at the same time, and after we
were We refer to an article in an agreement or unit and raise our banners to
protest and achieve victory here or failure there, we will become without any
reference we rely on during revolution or struggle for change.
The year 1971 marked the first time the Swiss women participated in
elections despite what we know about Switzerland's progress in the field of
human rights now adays. While the United States signed the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, some US states continued to apply racist
discrimination against black and colored people until late. As for the
Declaration of the Rights of the Child, issued in 1959, it was approved by all
countries except the United States and Somalia.
European countries have retained their colonies in Asia, Africa, and
others, ignoring all international conventions and the right of peoples to
self-determination. Furthermore, The United States delayed signing the
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide for 40
years, as well as the 26-year delay in signing of the Universal Declaration on
Political and Civil Liberties, and its delay in signing International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination for 28
years. And do not forget the horrific human rights violations committed during
the Cold War period: torture and killing, support for tyrannical regimes, the
use of internationally prohibited weapons, and support of racist colonial
entities like the Zionist entity in the Arab land Palestine.
The countries of the world did not sign the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights and the treaties and agreements that emerged from it because of
their desire and love for human rights, but because of many factors like:
The pressure of the catastrophic results of the Second
World War.
2- the pressure
of the peoples of Europe that were exposed to social, political and cultural
interactions since the early Renaissance period, Passing through the French
Revolution and its slogans that formed the starting point for a new
understanding of citizenship, social contract, and the relationship of
individual with the state or political entity in which he lives, ending with
the two world wars, with all the calamities that befell humanity.
Thus, the ratification of international human rights treaties came in
special circumstances; it is not from the awakening of the political elites'
conscience that leads the world, because it is simply - as we see every day -
the vast majority of them are with no conscience. Do we give up these
references that have been achieved for us by historical circumstances and
imperatives? What will happen to future generations and us if we allow them to
return to zero and give up the references on which we base our discourse,
especially in these circumstances in which we suffer from high degrees of
weakness and fragility.
The other side that should be paid attention to is the clear confusion
between human rights as legal reference on the one hand, and human rights
organizations with their suspicious and strange practices on the other hand. We
must remember that leaders of these organizations are ordinary human beings who
deviate from the right sometimes, fake, take a bribe, and make mistakes. If one
of us suspects or sees the lawyer bribing or conspiring against the law, then
he certainly will not demand abolition of the law, because abolishing
international human rights covenants is a return to the law of the jungle, a
loss of reference on which we build our distinction between truth and falsehood
and a shameful waiver of generation to come rights in dignity, freedom and life,
it is an open instrument for opportunists and varmint criminals in order to
violate humanity as they please.
As I watch the oldest democracies comply with the emergency provisions
and the extraordinary measures to combat Corona, I am afraid that they will
also bow to a radical change that can be adopted by capitalism gangs to forget
all human rights and international law. I believe that the time has come for
all the peoples of the earth to hang on our inalienable human rights to face
the sordid conspiracies that are being hatched in darkness. We should announce
our reaffirmation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
After Corona there is return to
life and freedom not to the dreams of varmint criminals and Jungle law.
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